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Junior Year Updates

It's certainly been a while since we last posted, but that just means we've been super busy in furthering our research.

Over the summer, we finalized our survey and asked some people to take our survey in order to get feedback on format and content. All respondents like the format of the survey, but some expressed concern that our list of values wasn't all-encompassing. For this reason we decided that we should run focus groups for the Fall 2015 semester in order to make sure that our list of issues and list of values we are including in our survey are solid. We are in the midst of completing our IRB application so we can get approval for conducting focus groups, and we have also started working on our presentation for Gemstone Junior Colloquia, which is November 18-19! Last night at our meeting, we discussed our outline for our presentation--we want to maintain a narrative, instead of simply putting sources and information on our PowerPoint slides. Here's a picture of Elf as our team discusses how to graphically illustrate our narrative on our research problem.

So for the rest of the semester, we will be working on conducting focus groups (once we have IRB approval) and using feedback from those focus groups to improve our survey. In Spring 2016, we hope to release our survey nationwide and begin collecting data for analysis. Stay tuned--and as always, thanks for your support!

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